
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Exploring Intentional Spirituality - Empirical Intelligence (1/1)

Action 02 by Ali Shafiu
"Matter acts, but there are no actors behind the actions:the verbs are verbing all by themselves without a need to introduce nouns. Actions act upon their actions. Properties are all there is. Indeed: there are no things."
- David Mermin

To continue from my previous article in regards to consciousness as a process (action), it is important to introduce the idea of “empirical intelligence”. All too often we are inhabited by our experiences and exhibit little understanding of them. It could be said that our experiences own us despite the idea that we own them. On the contrary, empirical intelligence intentionally utilizes experience in attempt to understand the components that make an experience an experience and employs understanding towards a beneficial end. In this article I will be expanding upon the idea of empirical intelligence, establishing how the body will be our starting point, and will pose questions to help explore these things.

To begin, the idea of empirical intelligence begins by grounding our understanding of consciousness as a process of cognition (abbreviated “cog”). Recall that I stated for each sense there was an associated consciousness. Take reading for an example: there are interrelated moments of eye-cog and language-cog that are directly related to the experience called “reading”. Post processing occurs after these events that influence the outcome of understanding what was read. Views (beliefs, opinions, etc.) will bias the reading experience both intentionally and unintentionally. Similar to the scientific method empirical intelligence queries these experiences firsthand in an unbiased manner; commonly referred to as being “the observer”. This assists in establishing spirituality beyond the common mode of subscription with beliefs that bias experience and introduces the seeker of truth to a firsthand, objective engagement of “truth”.

This leads into expanding upon a method of inquiry that is required for the firsthand engagement I am encouraging and this starts with the body. I have come to understand that common spirituality (any religious doctrine) starts with the body --- depending on the extreme it is evil (Gnostic), neutral, or good (hedonism). These doctrines, regardless of the extreme, also commonly eschew from the body shortly after and expand upon views that obscure one’s search for truth by mode of subscription*. The principles I am introducing here dwell upon the body before going deeper into the mind and the reason for this, regardless of philosophy, is we are human and thus have a body. It is not uncommon, due to various mental reasons, that the body is ignored despite it being a significant contributor to the human experience. If the body and its conditions are ignored how can deeper aspects of spirituality involving the mind be explored? As well, as I have repeatedly stated, the senses we have are primarily bodily related, so in terms of exploring consciousness as it is with clarity it is an excellent starting point.

Finally, as an introduction to my following article and to establish further relevance of what I have to say next I want to ask that you, my reader, to open yourself to the following:

What attitudes do I have towards my body?
How do I understand my body?
What is my body saying?
How is my understanding affecting my relationship with my body?
How am I responding to what my body is saying?
How all of these things are affecting my human experience?

I strongly encourage beginning by asking these questions. Explore these questions to the extent you know how and see the effects of how your understanding, attitudes, and responsiveness to the body are affecting your human experience. Are they promoting wholesome, positive values? Or are they promoting unwholesome, negative values? If you’re insightful enough, explore the origin of your attitudes, understanding, and responsiveness and experiment with all three.

In conclusion, when exploring intentional spirituality this requires empirical intelligence, in which sets a foundation for experiencing consciousness in a pragmatic way and the starting point of this begins with the body. If spirituality is ultimately the promotion of the human experience the body cannot be overlooked and acts as a starting point for deeper aspects of spirituality. These principles also introduce the seeker to a methodology beyond common faith-based subscriptions, and to openly ask the question and search for truth. Ask yourself those questions and explore them as they will be leading us into the following article that will establish a practice to experiment with.

Until then, please share your discoveries.

* - "Subscription" used in this context is referring to common spirituality that "subscribes" if the appropriate cultural and mental conditions exist, which operates in a consumeristic manner. More on this here.

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